Thursday, 16 February 2012

Vulnerability – Brene Brown’s T.E.D. Talk

Brene Brown hit it on the nose!
“Connection brings purpose and meaning.” Brene makes a very well put statement here saying that without connection in one’s life there is no purpose. People are living examples of this. Starting at birth, children want and long for connection with other people. A baby cries for their mother when needing to be held, toddlers love to play with others, elementary students want to belong, fast forward and seniors love to visit with each other. Purpose is often found in what you can give and receive through others. From a personal point of view, I often find purpose, not in my schedule or accomplishments, but in who I interact with and how I interact with them.
This topic reminds me of Simon Sinek’s “Golden Circle.” He encourages a “bold goal to help build a world in which the vast majority of people go home every day feeling fulfilled by their work.” He says that when one is selling or promoting an item they should become passionate about if first. One should present WHY they want to sell, then HOW they want to sell it, and lastly present WHAT they are selling….
All this said to bring me to my point. When people naturally connect with each other, without realizing it, everyone one knows WHY they want to connect, HOW they want to connect, and WHO they want to connect with. This makes connections sound like a formula. That is not my intention. Rather it is to pose a question:  that when a person is connecting with others, do they know why, how and who they are thinking to connect with before they do? And if so, does one start with WHY and end with WHO?

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